Question: 1 / 50

What age should a toddler typically achieve daytime control of bowel and bladder?

20 months

22 months

24 months

Daytime control of bowel and bladder is a developmental milestone that most toddlers achieve between the ages of 2 and 3 years old. Typically, by around 24 months of age, children begin to show readiness and begin the process of toilet training, which includes recognizing the need to use the bathroom and being able to physically control their bowel and bladder functions. During this stage, toddlers develop greater awareness of their bodily sensations and develop the necessary motor skills to pull down their pants and sit on the toilet. While some children may achieve this milestone a little earlier or later, 24 months is generally accepted as a common age at which toddlers attain this level of control. It is important for caregivers to support their child’s readiness signs and progress at their own pace to encourage successful toilet training.

18 months


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